L to R: Uncle Doug, Uncle Steve, Uncle Mark, Aunt Mary, my mom, Leslie, (aka the girl that looks like Scout from To Kill a Mockingbird) and Grandma Helen. not pictured/photographer: Grandpa Jack.
For my Grandpa Jack's (Mom's dad) 50th high school reunion he wrote the following notes for his classmates:
Family: Married May 1952 to Helen Hughes. For children see note above.
Work: John D. Hankey & Associates, Appleton, WI 1977-1989. I turned my business over to Doug and Steve in 1989. Helen and I are now employed by them. I never worked so hard in my life!
Interests and Hobbies: fishing, hunting, camping, golf, flower gardening, bridge, work, being grandpa.
Memories of School Days:
1.Class night of 1940. Class of '41 being called on stage by the class of '40 and asked some smart ass questions. Who up-staged whom?
2. The time in class that I asked Dorothy Stoddard who she would like to see win the World Series. Dorothy looked at me with disdain and replied, "Why the United States of course!" That reply was an original and made the school paper.
He wrote this 19 years ago on the eve of his death in 2010.
Tomorrow will mark two years since he's left us.
Raise your class to the Protestant Englishman.
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