I got my IUD swapped out today. Last one I got was in November of 2016. The doctor couldn't get it up there so they called a second doctor in. They also did a sonogram to try to see what was blocking it. I think (after today's appointment) I just have a narrow part of my cervix. Tough to get the little booger up and in. I had never been able to feel the strings on the first one, and they didn't have me come in for a follow up appointment, so I was never really sure if the first one went in right. It turns out it had. And I guess if it had come out, I ought to have noticed. It's this spindly chunk of plastic. (I know "spindly" and "chunk" are contradictory descriptions.) But the inside of my body is largely a mystery to me. I'm worried I have a closet in there full of forgotten-about tampons.
It was also the first time I've been to a male OBGYN. He was very nice and professional. Didn't assault me, which was nice. I got a pap smear for the first time in like a decade. (TMI on this post, but you know.) The doc asked if I got the HPV vaccine when I was little. I told him yes. Although, I got it when I was a teenager -- it had just come out. People tend to think I'm younger than I am, which I guess is good.
My getting of the HPV vaccine is an interesting thing to me, because if I remember right, my mom was the one who signed me up for it. I grew up in a pretty conservative Christian culture where abstinence education was the standard. Even more than birth control, it seems like an HPV vaccine would be something my mom would think -- Well, she shouldn't need this because she will only ever have sex with one person. But she had me get it anyway. It's a nice thought because I think it says she cared more about me and my health (HPV isn't so bad except that certain strains can increase your risk for cancer) than about my morality. It's a comforting thought.
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