
February 16, 2021

I thought of a fun thing to write about last night. But now I forget what it was. 

Do you know the word liminal? I came across it for the first time when I was writing the Surrey Ghost Car Episode for Parcast's Unexplained Mysteries.  It means an in-between space. A boarder land. Not an origin, not a destination. I realized that's what I like about all those gloomy late-night photos of gas stations or open roads. Or -- maybe I don't like them because they're liminal -- but liminal fits as a description. Well anyway, after coming across it for that episode, (I found a book that was called like Ghosts of Old Highways, The Liminal Hauntings of Pennsylvania or something like that.) I'm seeing that word everywhere. 

Google says it's on the rise: 

This series by Nadav Kander is an example of some liminal photographs that I like. Putting a few here: 

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