
February 25, 2021

I've started playing Two Dots again. Something about being in the Fort Collins house draws me back to it. That satisfying mental crunch when I connect a square of blue or green or pink. I can go an hour, staring at my phone, and not think or feel anything. In a way, that's all I'm looking for from life. 

The problem is that my phone usage goes from 30-45 minutes a day to 2-4 hours. Having two part time jobs and being part-time self-employed on top of it means that my time management is both difficult and crucial. (Otherwise, I'd be going nowhere in life faster than I already am.) Giving into hours of screen time and zombie brain is potentially a big problem. 

I have (had?) been doing so well. Having great days, mood-wise and as far as focus and productivity. I'd been going to bed on time and actually falling asleep, waking up with time to shower, eat, blog or read before work. But last night, I played Two Dots until 1AM, at which point my phone ran out of juice. 

We'll see if I can resist the siren call of Two Dots or if my high streak was just too good to last.  

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