
July 22, 2021

It's weird that a bunch of the population has to wake up and scramble to work. They arise to the blaring of an alarm that on some level probably reminds them of when their tribe would have shouted people awake because of a lion or neighboring tribe attacking. Basically, the alarm says "Your life is in danger!" and then you start your day. 

A lot of work seems silly. I guess because it involves people wearing different clothes and sitting in front of computers. Doing lifting with their minds, but not with their bodies. Electronic messages getting sent back and forth each day. Is that getting something done? 

I had the creepy realization while talking to a friend the other day that I've built my whole life around writing. More specifically, I've adjusted everything to try to give myself the advantage in writing. Everything from the job I have to where I live to who I'm friends with. (The friends thing is only to some extent, but it's there. If someone is an interesting artist, I'm more likely to be interested in them.) That feels creepy to me because it's fairly one dimensional. I've noticed that in these blog posts as well. One track mind with the writing. Maybe it'll help me have the kind of life that I want. Maybe it'll turn me into a robot. Who knows?  

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