
March 10, 2021

Sarah Someone is live today! Here's its RSS feed: https://pinecast.com/feed/sarah-someone 

It's crazy how easily I forget emotionally how much of a pain in the butt this project was to complete. We recorded my friend's ninety-minute audio play completely remotely. The recording itself took 5 full days in July 2020. Then, I realized there were all these problems on the recordings -- vocal distortions, a computer fan, the jingle of a dog collar, and intermittent traffic noises. Four different mics and five different recording rooms meant that everyone sounded like they were in different rooms using different recording equipment. (Go figure.) And working with a director for the first time meant that I had to do many more cuts on the editing end than when I was working on The Host. 

It's all been worth it, but this little project has been a part time job for the last eight months. I felt, at times, like I'd never be done with it. It was a morass that covered my foreseeable future. But now that I'm finished with it, I'm like, Yeah! I'd work on something like that again. 

I am feeling more confident right now about approaching people to work on projects. Even intimidating people. (Most people are intimidating.) Having Sarah Someone and The Host under my belt makes me feel like doing this stuff is normal. If you want to do more, you just come up with and idea, or link up with someone who has an idea, and ask people to get involved, have a conversation of what being involved entails, and then you get started. Maybe it feels more straight forward now because I'll be able to trade on past projects, meaning people will be able to look at the work and decide if they wan to collaborate. Without projects under my belt, I had to trade entirely on social credit, which is scary because that's not something I feel like I have gobs of. And of course, I don't want to lose friends over radio plays. 

But so far so good. 

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