
March 17, 2021

I write again! It's going to be more of a regular day, today, even though I'm in Seattle still. My friend is teaching remote classes, and I'll work on work and writing. I'm going to make something from Budget Bytes tonight, which I'm excited about. The weather is more Seattly, especially compared to the blazing sun over the past two days. 

At my friend's friends' yesterday, I talked them through Baby Teeth. (My friend put me up to that. I wouldn't volunteer it on my own.) I think I did an okay - a not too boring - job of describing it. It's awkward talking about an in-progress project. Actually, it's awkward for me to talk about any of my projects. But I guess I need to get better at that. So the practice was probably good. Who knows what those people think of me, though. 

I want to watch a movie today/tonight.

We'll see. 

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