
May 8, 2021

I played with my nephews yesterday. Really, I played with my one nephew and the other nephew watched us. He's still not sure about me and will hide if I say hi to him. They have this toy called the Stomp Rocket. It's a bladder of air attached to a tube attached to a plastic tube open at the top. You fit a "rocket", a plastic tube that's capped at the top, on the launching tube, and then you stomp on the bladder of air. The rocket shoots up as the air is forced up and out. If you're an adult, you can make it go surprisingly high. My dad wanted to do it, and the launch tube looked a little crooked to me. "That's going to go on the roof," I said, and he stomped and it went on the roof. 

My brother and his wife were out on a date, so I was the ablest-bodied person around. My dad got my brother's ladder out of the garage, and I climbed up the two stories to check the gutter. (We had heard the thing clatter down the roof.) It was kind of scary. I saw the rocket at a place I couldn't reach it, so we moved the ladder, and I climbed up again. Retrieving it and saving the day. My nephew told my brother and sister-in-law about it first thing when they came home. 

I haven't worked on my Baby Teeth homework yet this week. I'm off my schedule because of this trip. 

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